Family Takes a Leap of Faith Following a Move South

Ellenwood, GA |

What started out as just an idea and a leap of faith has now transformed into this flourishing garden and farmers market. However, just like starting up any other business, it didn’t come without its share of challenges.

“2010 we had moved down from up north, from New York, all the way down to Dublin, Georgia. We just felt that we had a calling to change our life and do something different. When we started farming, it was difficult for us. We didn’t really know what we we’re doing, but we had some great neighbors that taught us a couple of things to kind of get us started and after a couple of years, we started selling to farmers markets,” says Raphaela Polanco, Owner of Atlanta Harvest.

In 2018 they moved their operation to the bustling city of Atlanta, where they provide a community starved for fresh produce, with a one stop shop for all their needs.

“We’re about fifteen minutes from the Atlanta airport. Here, we have a market stand where we sell directly to our customers. We’re in a food desert area and so, we have a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. We got local dairy, meats, eggs, value added products, jams and jellies. Also, on our farm we have our summer crops growing. We have our squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Our customers, they can walk around the farm and see what we’re growing and see what’s in season,” says Polanco.

Providing that type of experience is one of the main goals for Atlanta Harvest, as giving the next generation some time on the farm will help them appreciate all the work that goes into growing their food.

“A lot of young children come to the farm. It’s their first time that they’re actually seeing a farm. A lot of times they see fruits and vegetables and they think they come from the grocery store. So, having them to be able to come to a farm, a farm near them where they can see that food comes from the dirt and here’s farmers, here’s agriculture leaders who are actually planting and growing the food that I can use for consumption and help to make me strong and healthy. It’s such a life changing experience for young children and those in the community that have difficulty getting fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s just so great that there’s somewhere that is close to them that they’re able to have this access,” says Polanco.

It’s access they are more than happy to provide to a grateful community.

“When I come out here and I get to interact with people and they let us know ‘hey, thank you so much for being here. I was looking for something like this in my area. I thought I had to go hours south or other areas in Georgia’, but knowing that there’s something like this available near them and they’re able to share that with their friends and family just makes such a big difference and means so much to us,” says Polanco.

By: Damon Jones