GFB State Board Members Tour UGA Research Labs

Athens, GA |

Widely regarded as one of the premiere colleges for agriculture in America, the University of Georgia prides itself in keeping up to date with the latest research and technology within the industry. Recently, this group of GFB board members got to check out some of those advances the university has made and learn how they help keep the state’s biggest industry running strong.

“Well, we realize that the largest economic impact to Georgia is eighty-three and a half billion dollars worth of economic impact to the state of Georgia through agriculture. No matter what folks tell you, ag is the number one industry in the state. So, therefore, all the research and the dedicated people that work at the university, is very, very important to our farmers who actually grow chickens, cows, hogs and turn dirt for the crops that we grow,” says Georgia Farm Bureau President, Tom McCall.

One of the highlights of the trip was a stop here at the new poultry science building, a fifty-four-million-dollar facility that houses state of the art laboratories, classrooms, and meeting spaces all dedicated to the number one commodity in Georgia.

“It is providing some of the most cutting edge lab space and teaching space to help us really advance what we do on the research side, as well as teaching that next generation of leaders that can step into our poultry industry, which is the biggest part of our number one industry agriculture,” says Nick Place, UGA CAES Dean.

“You know, the poultry industry is so big in this area, in the state of Georgia, we definitely welcome the research they’re doing, not only on the research side, but we need it on the production side for the state of Georgia to keep being the number one industry with poultry helping lead that. So, definitely an awesome facility,” says GFB Board Member, Russ Moon.

The group also got a tour of the center for animal and dairy science, where they got an update on everything from meat processing to groundbreaking research on regenerative medicine. It’s a diverse learning experience that will help serve both these ag leaders and in turn, the entire industry in the future.

Well, we need to know and we represent the farmers in the state. We are the largest ag organization in the state. So, everything we can learn and everything our board of directors can learn, to better represent our members, especially our farmer members; it’s important for us to be able to see this and be able to maybe help a farmer someday,” says McCall.

University leaders like President Moorehead and CAES Dean Nick Place also dropped by to not only to highlight all the good work being done, but also show their appreciation for their partnership with the Georgia Farm Bureau.

“That partnership we have between the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences with Georgia Farm Bureau is very important. We see us as key partners together to really work on elevating what we do with the number one industry in the state, agriculture,” says Place.

By: Damon Jones

Cotton Producers are Still Hopeful for Strong Yields

Tifton, GA |

This growing season has certainly been a challenging one for cotton growers here in Georgia, as producers continue to get hit with one challenge after another, time and time again. However, according to Camp Hand, Extension Cotton Specialist, despite those difficulties, the crop still is turning out to be a great one.

“Up until now, the crop looks really good. It seems like we’ve been getting what we need in most places. That June spell might hit a little harder than other some of our earlier planted dry land, really in the middle part of the state probably suffered a little bit more from that dry June than other places, but the crop, I think is looking really good,” says Camp Hand, Extension Cotton Specialist.

Of course, a big concern is the effect of Hurricane Debby, however, according to Hand, though there were some direct losses, the crop faired the storm well as the bolls on the plants hadn’t opened just yet. However, his biggest concern is the fact that some producers are not able to get equipment back into their fields, which will hinder their ability to manage and possibly harvest their crop.

“I think there’s definitely some direct losses, but the thing that concerns me a little bit more are the indirect losses from delays being able to get in the field from, from dirt roads being washed out and stuff like that. We’re definitely going to be delayed getting back in the field. Also, it could take until harvest. The good news is that it wasn’t quite as bad as most people thought, but the bad news is we’re still in August and we got us a long way to go,” says Hand.

Another concern growers are dealing with are pests, specifically boll feeding ones such as stink bugs, that can do a lot of damage this time of year when the plant is most susceptible.

“Stinkbugs are the primary boll feeding bug, but we also need to be aware that there are other bug species that can do similar injury. One that’s kind of we’re seeing a little more frequently for this late in the season is tarnished plant bug and clouded plant bug, but they’ll also feed on these developing bolls. We have a dynamic threshold that when we’re in that third, fourth and fifth week of bloom and a lot of cotton is in that time frame where it’s most susceptible or most sensitive to yield loss from these boll feeding bugs,” says Phillip Roberts, Extension Entomologist.

Roberts says one other pest to be concerned about is the silver leaf white fly, as he says they do well in drought conditions growers here in Georgia saw earlier this summer and need to be dealt with in a timely manner.

“June was a very dry month, and silver leaf white fly really does well during dry conditions. Thankfully, we started receiving rainfall in July, but white fly numbers did kind of get a foot in the door. We do want to remind growers, when you see a few white flies in the field, they should influence every decision you make,” says Roberts.

By: John Holcomb

Atlanta Program Brings Farm Fresh Produce to Food Deserts

Atlanta, GA |

Here in Atlanta, these boxes of fresh produce are being packed into bags, where they’ll be loaded onto a truck and taken to and handed out in neighborhoods classified as what’s called a “food desert” – an area with a population of people that are generally low income and have trouble finding or affording fresh, nutritious, and wholesome foods.

“When we think about food deserts, we always think about like rural places, right? You think metro Atlanta, this bustling city, how could anyone be in a food desert? Well, we have a different problem. We have food swamps where neighborhoods are inundated with high calorie, nutritionally low foods. Then their access to fresh fruits and vegetables isn’t that great. Like their grocery store might have some produce, but is it high quality? And then is it cheap or is it expensive? It normally is expensive and so people are going to spend their food dollars on stuff that is shelf stable that they know is actually going to be good,” says Cecilia Tran, Family & Consumer Sciences Agent for Fulton County Extension.

That’s where Fulton Fresh’s comes in, as it’s a program that’s designed to allow those in designated areas the opportunity to not only receive fresh produce, but get to learn how to store it, prepare it, and cook it into a nutritious and wholesome meal.

[Shirley Dodd/Coordinator, Fulton Fresh Mobile Market]

“What the program does, it’s a nutritional program, and we go in what’s designated as food deserts in Fulton County. We do a nutritional class where the ladies teach various health topics. They do a food demonstration. They let the participants sample the demonstration, and then we give them a bag of produce. What we try to do is, whatever the demonstration is, we try to put that in the bag so they could go home and make that particular dish,” says Shirley Dodd, Fulton Fresh Mobile Market Coordinator.

According to Dodd, they often have nearly one hundred people at each stop; proving just how beneficial and much needed the program is in the areas that they visit.

“They love it. Yesterday, we went out and in both sessions we had close to 100 people. We have people that follow the truck and come to location because we do it just the ten weeks in the summer; two five week sessions. If you come to the market, then you basically have your groceries because this bag of produce; you can eat out for a couple of days depending on how many is in the family,” says Dodd.

However, Tran says what’s most valuable isn’t just the free bag of produce, as she believes the skills and knowledge they’re gaining will set them up for future success.

“The skills that they learn here and a little bit of that education really helps them through out to the next year. When they come back, they’re like, ‘I did this and this and this, and I see my numbers come down.’ Like last year, I told somebody that if you don’t like eating breakfast foods for breakfast, don’t eat that. And she came back the next year and she was like, ‘you changed my life.’ And I was like, ‘what?’ Something so simple, but for things that are common sense for some, it’s not for everybody. And we kind of take for granted what we know, and so it’s really important that we get out here and do that education,” says Tran.

By: John Holcomb

2024 Commodity Conference Tackles Tough Policy Issues

Tifton, GA |

Just like the agricultural industry here in Georgia, there’s plenty of diversity at the annual GFB Commodity Conference where the organization gives out their highest award, this year’s recipient being former president of the Georgia Beekeepers Association Reg Wilbanks, welcomes in guest speakers from different sectors of agriculture, and most importantly, starts shaping public policy for next year.

“The commodity committees are made up of people that produce those commodities. So, they are the experts that we need, on what they need, and what the particular commodities’ need. And it’s the beginning of what the whole purpose of Farm Bureau is, which is to represent farmers in the legislative arena. The policy that is presented here and passed in Jekyll is what our public policy lobbies and works on in Atlanta and Washington DC.,” says Tom McCall, President of Georgia Farm Bureau.

2025 could be an important year as there are a number of financial uncertainties facing the entire industry.

“There’s a lot of concern about prices. We went through a period of very high inflation in 2021 and 2022. A lot of the crop prices and livestock prices went up with that, but now we’ve started seeing some agricultural prices come down. Now, of course, the other side of the coin is, if the prices farmers pay for their inputs comes down, that provides some offset, but there’s typically a lag. So, you’re starting to see some compressional margin,” says Dr. Roger Tutterow, KSU Professor of Economics.

Despite some of those concerning trends, there is still plenty of optimism for the future.

“I don’t see us going into a really deep recession. I think we have to commend the fact that the economy has held up as well as it has given the degree to which the feds raised short term rates. I think the long-term fundamentals of the economy are still strong,” says Tutterow.

Those in attendance also got an update from Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Tyler Harper, who spotlighted some of the recent pieces of legislation that will benefit producers including one that will help preserve farmland within the state.

“As we close out the year, obviously we’re focused on the Farmland Conservation Fund and that program. We’re looking forward to convening the board and getting to work on farmland protection here in the state of Georgia building off of legislation that was passed this past session. Thanks to the General Assembly, the Speaker, the Lieutenant Governor and the Governor, we were able to get two million dollars in that fund,” says Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture, Tyler Harper.

That is essential to keeping the state so agriculturally diverse, which is spotlighted by the twenty different committees represented at this conference.

“The fact that Georgia has a lot of latitude and a lot of elevation lets us grow everything from grapes and apples up in the mountains to vegetables and produce and tobacco and cotton and peanuts; we’re the largest peanut producer in the country. So, that whole variety, when you throw in the different latitudes, the elevations that we have, the soil types, lets Georgia be a major player in agriculture in the United States,” says McCall.

By: Damon Jones

State’s Forage Suffering Due to Drought, Fall Armyworms

Tifton, GA |

Summertime is usually a productive time for forage producers here in Georgia, however, mother nature had other plans as it’s been nothing short of a headache as at first there was too much rain, then not enough mixed with scorching temperatures. According to Lisa Baxter, State Forage Extension Specialist, though things have seemed to turn around lately, the effects from this year are far from over.

“I think the last time we had spoken in the spring, we were almost dealing with the opposite of now, where we were in too wet of conditions. We’ve, pivoted since then; don’t let the green grass behind me fool you, we’ve had some periods of pretty extreme drought throughout parts of Georgia. So the worst graphic that I saw, certainly 60 to 70% of our state was in some level of a D1 to D2 drought. The problem really was when that drought hit, because that was June to early July for a lot of us. We’re not feeling those effects as much now as what I anticipate we will six months from now, when everyone’s starting to feed hay, and there just isn’t going to be as much hay to feed,” says Lisa Baxter, State Forage Extension Specialist.

To make matters worse, the dry weather ended up giving fall armyworms a chance to become established, to which now, they have been found in more than seventy percent of the state’s counties.

“Sitting here today at the time of recording, we are actually at 70% of Georgia counties reporting damage from the fall armyworm. We have isolated reports every summer, but every 5 to 6 years, we hit this point of very widespread damage. We do tend to see these more widespread outbreaks in periods of drought, and we certainly had all of those kind of cards fall into place for us this summer. It’s very disheartening for a lot of producers, but the better you take care of your grass, the more they prefer that material,” says Baxter.

Baxter says what makes fall armyworms so challenging compared to other pests is how destructive they can truly be.

“The challenge with the fall armyworm, compared to a lot of other pests that we have, is they are entirely destructive, not just a portion of the plant. So, if you’re lucky, you just see a little bit of chewing on the leaf. Pretty typical what we’d see out in a in a hay field normally, but in these big widespread instances of damage, that’s where we start getting into total field loss if we’re not careful and being proactive with our insecticides,” says Baxter.

According to Baxter, the most important thing that can be done right now is being proactive and thinking ahead, as she believes resources may be hard to come by later in the year.

“So, if we’re sitting here today with a lot of uncertainty, we need to start thinking about culling sooner rather than later. Buying hay certainly sooner rather than later. Getting it tested, making sure we’re supplementing properly and again, making those decisions now, not in December or January when we’re really going to start feeling all of these confounding effects,” says Baxter.

Baxter recommends contacting your local extension office if you need assistance with managing fall armyworms or any other forage pest.

By: John Holcomb

Are Georgia’s farmlands disappearing?

Statesboro, GA |

In an age of constant change, traditional industries like agriculture are always at risk of being left behind. And that was never more evident than in the latest Ag census conducted by USDA, which shows more than twenty million acres of US farmland being lost to development since 2017. It’s a trend that is not so recent here in Georgia, as the state has really been feeling the effects for decades.

“Since 1974, we’ve lost two point four million acres of farmland to developments, and that’s row crop land. That’s not counting forestry land, to developments and warehouses. So, if you take that number and multiply, do another thirty years, you’re talking about another two point four million acres and of course, very, very fortunate Georgia is growing so fast and provide so many opportunities for people, but also, we also got to be cognizant that we’ve got to be able to feed our people too and feed the world,” says Sen. Billy Hickman, from Georgia’s 4th Congressional District.

It’s a delicate balancing act that the Georgia legislature is hoping to navigate with the newly formed Senate Study Committee on the Preservation of Georgia Farmlands chaired by Senator Hickman. Him along with six other state senators will hold meetings across the state in order to find the best solution in bridging this gap.

“We met last summer with thirty-five farmers in our community, and we heard their concerns about farmland. We got farmland in our community that’s renting for a hundred dollars and acre but it’s selling for twenty-five thousand dollars an acre for development or warehouse and all. So, we decided that with the Hyundai plant coming, that we’re very much supportive of it but we’ve got to have a balance between economic development and farmland,” says Hickman.

The goal is not just to gather facts, but also bring awareness to the problem. And in doing so, getting the attention of lawmakers in Atlanta in order to make some real change.

“I just finished my fourth year in the Senate and what I’ve learned in a very short period of time is that we can talk about all these things, and we can stand on the outside and sit on the curb and talk about it, but until the legislature buys in on something, that’s when things really gets happening. So, you know, we’ve had in the last, I guess every year I’ve been in the Senate, four years, we’ve had different, very good, significant farm bills, and this study committee is another thing that we’ll probably have two or three bills that will come out of this study committee,” says Hickman.

And that would be good news not just for the state’s number one industry and the tens of thousands of farmers that keep it running, but also future generations that hope to follow in their footsteps.

“What I have learned throughout this whole process  is the biggest detriment to our farmland, the preservation of our farmland, is uncontrolled growth. I’m from a small community; Statesboro, Georgia. And I’ve always said that I want our children to have an opportunity to live in Statesboro and Bulloch County if they choose to. I want it to a situation where they don’t have to move somewhere else to make a living. So, it really is a two-fold situation trying to maintain a balance between economic development and also maintain a balance between farmland,” says Hickman.

By: Damon Jones

Local Beef Creates a Local Restaurant Favorite

Bostwick, GA |

Here in the small town of Bostwick lays this small, quaint market café; Market 83, where inside you’ll find friendly faces, and fresh, mouthwatering smash burgers cooked to order. It’s a concept Stan and Venessa Nabors have always loved but thought it would look differently than it does now.

“Back when we first started selling our beef, one of Stan’s goals was he wanted to have a hamburger in a restaurant. So we tried that. We approached restaurants. We had restaurants approach us, and the door just felt like it kept slamming. So, just one day I told Stan jokingly, I said, ‘you know what? We’re going to have our own place one day where we can serve our own hamburgers using our ground beef'”, says Vanessa Nabors, Owner of Market 83.

That idea of course is now very much a reality for the Nabors, as they opened up the café last Fall. According to Vanessa, it has been nothing but a dream come true, as they’ve gotten to put their passion and hard work ethic to good use by raising a great herd of cattle that’s used to create fresh, wholesome food that people know exactly where its from.

“I told Stan, I said, ‘well, this will give us an opportunity where we’ll have a market, we can sell our beef, other local goods, and then we can have a cafe where we can serve hamburgers and hot dogs, milkshakes.’ I’m a lot like a lot of people out there; we just have that nostalgic side to us, and again, we all know how our food is nowadays, and I just wanted a place where people could come and have a good hamburger and good quality food,” says Nabors.

Nabors says that business continues to thrive, and says that what they’ve found to be most important to both them and their customers, is continuing to produce and offer great tasting products people know is produced locally, whether that be fresh ground beef and steaks they can take home to cook themselves, or even a burger and milkshake cooked to order in their cafe.

“What drives the passion for Stan and I and our goal here for Market 83 is to continue to have good food that people can come here and know that they’re going to get a good meal. The quote that I use is ‘a taste that you’ll remember’ because nowadays it is hard to go out to a restaurant and really taste the fresh quality that a lot of us are used to having when we were growing up, because we get a lot of people say, ‘oh yeah, we grew up and we would harvest a cow and have it in the freezer, and my grandmother would have a garden, and we’d always have fresh veggies to eat.’ So, I feel like we’re able to bring some of that back here at Market 83,” says Nabors.

By: John Holcomb

Refreshing Spot for Locally Made Ice Cream

Boston, GA |

With record-breaking temperatures sweeping across Georgia, agritourism spots like F and C Farms have become quite popular, as they offer visitors freshly churned ice cream to help beat the heat. It’s a destination that began from a simple idea.

“We just knew that we loved ice cream. We enjoy going to some of the other local ice cream places. We just love the atmosphere, and we really didn’t know that it was needed. So, it’s, it’s sort of quickly grown into what it is today and it has become sort of an experience for people to come to,” says Sheila Cox, Owner of F & C Family Farm.

They have been coming in droves since opening their doors, as it has become a go to family spot for those in the community.

“It’s been great. From the time they found out what this was going to be, we have had an overwhelming response from people. We’ve got the playground. My husband and I love children anyways. We love seeing people having fun. We love having fun ourselves, and to be able to combine that with ice cream just seemed like the perfect scenario,” says Cox.

While the atmosphere might be what keeps them there, it’s the homemade ice cream that brings them in. It’s why making sure each customers get some of the highest quality ice cream, no matter how much work it takes, is such a priority.

“Usually, the ice cream that you have this week or next week was made just a few days before you’re going to have it. We use our strawberries for instance. It’s right off of our farm. It’s the fresh ingredients that we find, it’s not the ice cream you would buy in the store. It’s natural ingredients that we use and it’s a lot of work to keep it fresh. We make it every week and so it’s fresh coming to you every week,” says Cox.

That’s not the only thing that’s fresh, as this family run operation has a little bit of everything at their market. And in the fall, they offer a unique U-Pick experience.

“We always have the porch. It has your jams, jellies, ciders just a different variety of things that you can’t pick up at your normal grocery store. We have watermelons. We’re in the middle of summer, of course watermelons, vegetables, and in the fall, we’ll have the U-Pick satsumas. So, families can come out and we provide everything you need to pick satsumas. It’s a great experience,” says Cox.

By: Damon Jones

GFB Young Farmers and Ranchers Gather for Summer Leadership Conference

Jekyll Island, GA |

There was plenty of fellowship, learning, and friendly competition this year on Jekyll Island as Georgia Farm Bureau held its annual Young Farmer and Rancher Summer Leadership Conference – an event that aims to engage like-minded members by giving them the community and confidence they need to advocate and protect the state’s ag industry back home.

“What we hope when people come and experience summer leadership conference is that they really, number one, gain confidence, confidence to advocate for agriculture and for the industry, confidence to be successful in their operations or in their jobs, but also, more than anything, we want them to gain community. We want them to find fellow members that are like minded. Sometimes agriculture can be really challenging. It’s a challenging field and so having those people that they can call and lean on, that are going through similar life stages and things in life is just really helpful,” says Breanna Berry, GFB Leadership Programs Coordinator.

The importance of the yearly event can’t be overstated, as Berry says this event is tailored specifically with GFB’s young farmers and ranchers in mind.

“It’s one of the few opportunities that these members have to get off of the farm and get together and network with each other, meet each other, but also hopefully take valuable information that they’ve gained from breakout sessions or keynote speakers, or just sitting down at the dinner table with fellow members back to their operation, back to their homes and communities and implement those,” says Berry.

Of course, no conference would be complete without a theme, and this year, that theme was “Digging in”, which describes the passion and grit producers have for the ag industry and the opportunities a conference like this one can offer them.

“I think it was best expressed by our speaker yesterday, Joey Jones, but what he spoke about during that, presentation was about responsibility. I think that that’s a great way to describe digging in, because we have to dig in in our communities, our counties, on our farms or on our ranches, and figure out what those responsibilities are that we need to do each and every day to be successful in our operations. So, I think the conference really embodies that. It’s a challenge for us to dig in and figure out what it is that we’re going to take home, to employ, to make our operations better, to take that responsibility that we have and producing food and fiber for our growing world,” says Cleve Jackson, State YF&R Chair.

As stated, the conference also offers educational opportunities, one of which is the important component of the YF&R program and organization as a whole; advocacy, in which members got to hear why staying engaged with elected officials is crucial.

“One of the big things we talked about today with advocacy was not only advocating to other farmers that are in your community and explaining the importance to them of getting out and voting, but also advocating in the more traditional sense to elected officials. Elected officials this time of year are on the campaign trail, they’re out and getting out and seeing constituents, and they’re very active this time of year. They’re hosting a lot of events and we encourage our folks to do is to get out and take those opportunities for these public meetings, take the opportunity to get out to these candidate forums and these fundraisers and things like that, and really get in front of their elected officials,” says Adam Belflower, GFB Governmental Affairs Specialist.

By: John Holcomb

Georgia Shrimpers Struggling to Stay Afloat

Brunswick, GA |

Ask any visitor to the Georgia coast what they’re hoping to eat, and seafood will likely to be the overwhelming favorite, specifically freshly caught shrimp. However, the industry has really struggled over the past year, due mainly to overseas competition.

“It’s no secret that shrimp’s the number one type of seafood we eat here in this country and that there’s a large dependence on foreign shrimp, but because of the pandemic, and because of market shifts, you had a lot of foreign shrimp flood the market this past year that weren’t able to in previous years get here. That just overabundance of imported shrimp coming into the market really made it challenging for our domestic industry to really move their products,” says Bryan Fluech, Associate Marine Director at UGA.

For that reason, shrimpers have either had to find creative ways to market their products like direct-to-consumer sales and prepackaged meals or get out of the business completely.

“When you take into all the overhead costs of maintaining your boat, trying to find a crew, being able to get a price that can compete with what you see on the foreign level, it really makes it challenging economically for a lot of the industry members to stay in it,” says Fluech.

That’s why buying local whenever possible is so important despite the higher price tag, as you’re not just paying for quality and freshness, but also supporting the Georgia economy.

“When consumers go to the grocery store and they see why is this shrimp so much more expensive than one that might come from another country, you got to realize what goes into that from the minute it’s harvested, to handle, process and distributed. I think that’s a key message. Every time you buy that local shrimp or that domestic product, you’re helping to provide some economic stability in a very challenging environment right now for our industry,” says Fluech.

It’s been that way for the past decade, which is why the future of Georgia’s shrimping industry is in such doubt, with the next generation looking for other options.

“Traditionally, shrimping and a lot of our commercial fishermen, these are typically traditions that were passed on through generations. A lot of that younger generation are saying, ‘we’re not going to get into it.’ So, there is that concern of where is our industry going to come from. Because it’s not just the, the fishermen themselves, but do we have the processors? Do we have the distributors? I mean, when we look at our food systems, whether we’re talking about a land based ag product or a fish, we have to have an intact food system and that is something that has made it more and more challenging for people to stay in,” says Fluech.

It’s a harsh reality that could have a major impact on a number of communities along Coastal Georgia.

“This is part of that identity of the Georgia coast when they come here. Being able to see these shrimp boats or somebody harvesting crabs, that’s something not only from a cultural aspect, but from an economic aspect that a lot of our smaller coastal communities vitally depend on and it has ramifications through tourism and other sectors along our coast,” says Fluech.

By: Damon Jones